Ann Massie
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (K.U. Leuven):
1998: Master in Science, Biology
2003: PhD in Science, Biology: “The role of high-affinity glutamate transporters and extracellular fluid glutamate and GABA in adult cortical plasticity”. Promotors: Prof. F. Vandesande, Prof. L. Arckens
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB):
2004-2011: Post-doctoral researcher
2011-2016: Assistant Professor
Since 2014: Head of the research group Neuro-Aging & Viro-Immunotherapy (NAVI; former MICH)
Since 2017: Associate Professor
Our team focuses on glutamate transport in health and disease, with emphasis on system xc-. Ongoing projects investigate the function of system xc- in modulating neurotransmission and metabolism under physiological conditions as well as in the aged brain, inflammation-induced brain pathology, (neuro)inflammaging and pancreatic cancer-induced cachexia. In collaboration with (inter)national partners, we study system xc- in other aspects of (pathological) brain functioning. We have all tools to study system xc-, going from specific antibodies to xCT knockout mice, and a broad network of collaborators with complementary expertise, allowing us to tackle all research questions and solve unexpected problems.
My teaching activities include following courses: Immunology (Bachelor level), Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (Bachelor level), Neurovirology (Master level).
Laarbeeklaan 103
1090 Jette