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Autologous dendritic cell vaccination against HIV-1 induces changes in natural killer cell phenotype and functionality - Article by Thessa Laeremans
Abstract: Although natural killer (NK) cells have been studied in connection with dendritic cell (DC)-based vaccination in the field of cancer immunology, their role has barely been addressed in the context of therapeutic vaccination against HIV-1.Science figured out: Sidelining Lionel Messi in fight against pancreatic cancer by Olaya Lara
Over the past five years, solid progress has been made in the fight against cancer, but unfortunately, that does not apply to pancreatic cancer. So what makes this cancer so hard to beat? Olaya Lara (VUB) explains this by comparing it to a football match.VUB-prof Prof Ann Massie op nr 3 Neurosciences stories 2022
De publicatie van Technology Networks zet jaarlijks de belangrijkste neurowetenschappelijke ontwikkelingen op een rijtje. VUB-prof Ann Massie staat op nummer drie in de top tien.