Autologous dendritic cell vaccination against HIV-1 induces changes in natural killer cell phenotype and functionality - Article by Thessa Laeremans
Abstract: Although natural killer (NK) cells have been studied in connection with dendritic cell (DC)-based vaccination in the field of cancer immunology, their role has barely been addressed in the context of therapeutic vaccination against HIV-1.VUB-prof Prof Ann Massie op nr 3 Neurosciences stories 2022
De publicatie van Technology Networks zet jaarlijks de belangrijkste neurowetenschappelijke ontwikkelingen op een rijtje. VUB-prof Ann Massie staat op nummer drie in de top tien.Science figured out: Sidelining Lionel Messi in fight against pancreatic cancer by Olaya Lara
Over the past five years, solid progress has been made in the fight against cancer, but unfortunately, that does not apply to pancreatic cancer. So what makes this cancer so hard to beat? Olaya Lara (VUB) explains this by comparing it to a football match.Stichting Alzheimer Onderzoek - Maak kennis met onderzoeker Gamze Ates
De Stichting Alzheimer Onderzoek financiert het onderzoek van Gamze Ates met een beurs van € 100.000 voor een periode van 2 jaar. Wie is zij en wat gaat zij doen?Olaya Lara & Maximillian Weil are the winners of the Doctoral Derby 2022!
Congratulations to Olaya Lara and Maximillian Weil. In the final round of our yearly pitch competition event, their three-minute presentation convinced the audience and the jury, respectively.Efficient Induction of Antigen-Specific CD8+ T-Cell Responses by Cationic Peptide-Based mRNA Nanoparticles
Full text available online50th anniversary Credimo
Credimo recently celebrated its 50th anniversary and for this occasion raised money for our research.BOOSTERPRIK EN VACCINS COMBINEREN: WAT MOET JE WETEN?
Vaccin … Wellicht één van de meest gebruikte zoektermen in het voorbije jaar. Het is dan ook één van de belangrijkste antwoorden van de wetenschap op de huidige coronapandemie. Maar hoe werken vaccins? Wat met die ‘nieuwe’ mRNA-technologie?SUPERHEROES & SUPERGADGETS: Seahorse
Read our blog post on, where we explain how we measure cellular energetics using... a Seahorse!VUB scientist receives grant for promising Alzheimer research
Researcher returns from US with state-of-the-art knowledge Thursday 20 January 2022 - VUB scientist Gamze Ates has been awarded €100,000 for research into Alzheimer’s disease.The Green Energy Park is becoming a reality
The team of prof. Aerts is honored to participate in this project led by prof. Gutermuth, together with his colleagues profs. Kortekaas, Breckpot, Goyvaerts and Bautmans, where we want to take immunology in all its facets into the future.Ziek worden na vaccinatie: goed of slecht?
Wist je dat je bij bepaalde vaccinaties een inactief virus ingespoten krijgt? Hierdoor leert je lichaam hoe het dat virus efficiënt moet aanpakken.
Picking up some new ideas and meeting interesting people during CICON-23 in Milan

Speaking at the scientific retreat of the Dermatology department and SKIN lab (Hotel Sélys, Liège, 14/09/21).